What a friend we have in anxiety. Just the word alone can cause an adrenaline rush. It drops in like the best friend you've always thought about: shows up unannounced, stays for long periods of time without a care, keeps you up all through the night!
I am not shy about my anxiety. Whenever I have an opportunity to tell my story, I do. Not to try to find pity in people, but to open the conversation for those who think it's something to be ashamed of. So many of us battle with anxiety now in our 20s that it's almost like it's something we should have been told about as a progressive stage along with periods and wet dreams.
I have touched on the topic of mental health previously in "13 Reasons Why Pretty Hurts: An Ode to Mental Health", but I still don't think it's enough. Anxiety for a lot of people is more than just that feeling of nervousness before a big test, or a presentation in front of the entire office. Anxiety is something way deeper and can manifest itself physically or on a physiological level (as we should know). Once it gets here, the fun really begins.
Sounds amazing, right?
Another thing we have to realize is that anxiety does come coupled with depression. There that pesky word goes: depression. I know how much we love to veer away from this word because we don't want to be "labeled" and we are afraid of it. But, all depression isn't severe, and all depression is not permanent. Anxiety and depression can come coupled often, so sometimes, you may need to get a little professional help to cope with the wacky moods you may be in to get a handle on your anxiety. It's okay. I am here to let all of you know that this is all normal and very real. If you ever find yourself overly stressed and overwhelmed, it is really okay to take a break.
America's norm for society is to work until you pass out. Work to survive, work to have fun, work to eat, work to have a family, work, work, work, work. All of this work and no time for self can really add up. The work-life balance needs to be honored way more than it was for our baby boomer counterparts. Millennials are beginning to realize that a little R&R is way more important than punching into a clock 5 days a week and staying till the janitors lock up. Do not let your grandparents and parents fool you into depression, my friends. Do not let them bring your happiness down. Taking vacation days and living a little is alright. L I V E.
Sadly, having anxiety does not allow for vacation to always be great. or it doesn't mean taking a break is going to make things better. It can drop in at any time, and usually when you least expect it. But, don't fret! There are a few ways to calm anxiety down when you feel it edging on. Here are a few things I do on a regular basis to keep it in check, or when I feel my anxiety approaching.
Other ways to cope:
I am not shy about my anxiety. Whenever I have an opportunity to tell my story, I do. Not to try to find pity in people, but to open the conversation for those who think it's something to be ashamed of. So many of us battle with anxiety now in our 20s that it's almost like it's something we should have been told about as a progressive stage along with periods and wet dreams.
I have touched on the topic of mental health previously in "13 Reasons Why Pretty Hurts: An Ode to Mental Health", but I still don't think it's enough. Anxiety for a lot of people is more than just that feeling of nervousness before a big test, or a presentation in front of the entire office. Anxiety is something way deeper and can manifest itself physically or on a physiological level (as we should know). Once it gets here, the fun really begins.
A Few Attributes of Anxiety:
- Chest Pain/tightness (often people assume they're having a heart attack, talk about a panic attack escalating)
- Shortness of Breath (hello, anxiety induced asthma!)
- Numbness in Extremities (talk about a hand or leg going to sleep, feeling cold, numb, clammy. Real scary when you don't know what is going on)
- Increased Blood Pressure (this can get way out of hand if you continue to panic and may last so long that it can create permanent damage if prolonged)
- Constant feeling of worry without being able to pinpoint what the worry is associated with
Sounds amazing, right?
Another thing we have to realize is that anxiety does come coupled with depression. There that pesky word goes: depression. I know how much we love to veer away from this word because we don't want to be "labeled" and we are afraid of it. But, all depression isn't severe, and all depression is not permanent. Anxiety and depression can come coupled often, so sometimes, you may need to get a little professional help to cope with the wacky moods you may be in to get a handle on your anxiety. It's okay. I am here to let all of you know that this is all normal and very real. If you ever find yourself overly stressed and overwhelmed, it is really okay to take a break.
America's norm for society is to work until you pass out. Work to survive, work to have fun, work to eat, work to have a family, work, work, work, work. All of this work and no time for self can really add up. The work-life balance needs to be honored way more than it was for our baby boomer counterparts. Millennials are beginning to realize that a little R&R is way more important than punching into a clock 5 days a week and staying till the janitors lock up. Do not let your grandparents and parents fool you into depression, my friends. Do not let them bring your happiness down. Taking vacation days and living a little is alright. L I V E.
Sadly, having anxiety does not allow for vacation to always be great. or it doesn't mean taking a break is going to make things better. It can drop in at any time, and usually when you least expect it. But, don't fret! There are a few ways to calm anxiety down when you feel it edging on. Here are a few things I do on a regular basis to keep it in check, or when I feel my anxiety approaching.
Maintenance Tips:
- Breathe! - deep breathing exercises calm your nervous system and gets oxygen to your brain and body, allowing it to relax. Try circle breathing, making sure to try to imagine the air going out and coming in is a continuous stream that creates a circle.
- Exercise - bust that stress out with some workouts
- Yoga/Meditation - it's said that waking up earlier to meditate can really put your mind at ease. If you cannot, I've found relief in doing yoga/meditation in the evenings also works. Anything to relax my body and clear my head.
- Warm Bath/Shower - I think we've all experienced that 'ahh' feeling after a good warm shower. Well, lucky you, it can help relax your body from the tension that anxiety can build.
- Cold Showers - taking a quick rinse after a warm shower or even a full cold shower can help with depression and anxiety. It has been helpful to do so in the mornings before you get your day started.
- Guided Imagery - think positively about yourself and the situation that may be bugging you. A lot of times our anxiety is brought upon us by negative thinking about an outcome to a situation in our lives.
- Write out your thoughts - get those jumbled thoughts of worry out on paper and notice how it may be unrealistic or that it just may be therapeutic to see it on paper.
- Listen to Music/Watch a Comedy - laughter or your favorite song can put you in a better place and get your mind off things. Try it! Don't be ashamed to start twerking in your mirror or laughing till your stomach hurts.
Other ways to cope:
- Eat Chocolate
- Sex
- Stretching Regularly
- Avoid Caffeine
Hope this has helped you and you find relief with your anxiety. It can be tough, but always remember that the moment will pass and things are not as bad as your mind may make them out to be.
- Begum, Over and Out! ;)
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(c) 2017 Aisha Begum All Rights Reserved
(c) 2017 Aisha Begum All Rights Reserved
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