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Showing posts from January, 2017

If You Wanna Be Somebody

...If You Wanna Go Somewhere ________________________________ At this point in life I think a lot of us spend too much time worrying about what our place/purpose in life is supposed to be. I mean, we aren't completely crazy for thinking about it, right? When we were in elementary we were always asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Junior high rolled around and we suddenly had to think about possible talents we had that could boost our possibilities of getting into a college. Do you start sports? Should you play an instrument? Will you dance or cheer? High school made its way into your life and suddenly you were being ranked by your gpa and separated by your social class. Now, you've graduated or you're near it and you're wondering: well, what are my talents, what social class am I now? Is my gpa good enough to rank me in a job I want? Were these loans even worth it?! (Personal opinion: no, fuck those things! Lol) For a few lucky ones who got to snag...

Guide To Being Single

  ...From a happily single person   ( because I can’t give you relationship advice, right? )  So it’s 2017 and you’re still single . You logged on to your Facebook or Instagram and saw all the happy holiday proposals and I know all you could think about was, “Whoa, they were in a relationship? But they were all up in my DM’s!” So you probably begrudgingly hit that “like” button or said “Congrats! 😍” as you cried on the inside. Alas, you’re inching towards 30 and you’re being reminded of how single you really are. You lonely mf, you. I’m here to let you know: It’s really going to be okay . Being single is great, you’re just doing it wrong! (‘Cause I said so!) Hold on to your britches and swallow your pride, because I have some advice for you on how to be single. My 5 Flawless Tips to Being Single and Happy as F***! (so you can get out of bed with a smile because you went to bed not getting cheated on; you woke up like this!) Stunt On Your E...

...'Cause You're Always On That Damn Phone

I May Be O B S E S S E D ______________ If Twitter could talk back to me, that’s exactly what it would say I am: obsessed. A few months back I deleted all social media apps off of my phone except for Twitter (I hadn’t felt the need to since 1. I didn’t usually feel twitter consumed most of my time 2. the person I was avoiding raaaarely tweeted LOL). I’m happy I did it. I hadn’t realized how much twitter was actually alive and well before, so it opened that back up for me. I had gotten sucked into sharing video after video on Facebook, the enjoyment of opening and closing my Instagram to see people post their alluring photos, and I was totally annoyed with snapchat’s dark hole that sucked me in and had me feeling like the world truly wanted to see what I did with my life every second. It was all so addicting. No, seriously, I double tap in my text messages on accident or look for a like button on accident (shout out to Apple who now lets you react to messages lol). I enjoy...